
“Father”, 2016
Oil on canvas, 147.3 x 76.2 cm, 58 x 30 in.
Ricky Mujica (@rickymujicaartist), born in NYC, is an award winning figurative painter and father. Among his awards are, 1rst place (the Cadmium Award) TRAC2019, 1rst place Lore Degenstein Ninth Annual Figure Competition, 1rst place April Round TRAC 2015, The Florence and Ernest Thompson Memorial Award, Finalist several times in the Portrait Society of America, Oil Painters of America, NOAPS, Salmagundi Club, Allied Artists, and an Honorable Mention in Figurativas Barcelona. His paintings have been exhibited and are in collections all over the world. He has a Signature Status with the Portrait Society of America, is a member of the Poets and Artists Collective, and proudly teaches painting at the Art Students League of New York.